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What does FSSAI Mean?
FSSAI Stand for Food safety and standard authority of India which has been established under food safety and standard Act 2006. It has been created for laying down science-based standard for food article and regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. Food safety standard Act 2006 also aims to establish a single reference point for all matters related to food safety and standards, by moving from multi-level, multi–departmental control to a single line of command to this effect, the Act established an independent statutory authority called Food safety standard Authority of India having head office in Delhi.
What is FSSAI registration or licence?
FSSAI registration or license basically refers to an authorisation granted by Food safety and standard authority of India (FSSAI) to a person who carries on food business.
What is the difference between FSSAI registration and FSSAI licence?
Following are the difference between FSSAI registration and license.
- FSSAI registration :-An FSSAI registration is required for petty food manufacturers that includes petty retailer, hawker, itinerant vendor or temporary stall holder or small or cottage scale industries having annual turnover of Rs.12 lakh Per annum.
- FSSAI license:- An FSSAI license is required for those food business that having turnover of more than Rs. 12 lakh per annum.
What are the type of licence that is issued by FSSAI?
There are two type of licence that is issued by FSSI, one is Central licence and another is State licence. These licence are issued on the basis of turnover and other criteria (like storage capacity, production capacity etc.) e.g.
- If a food manufacturing / processing unit having production capacity of more than 2 metric ton (MT) per day then he is required to obtain central licence but if its production capacity is less than 2 metric ton (MT) per day then it is required to obtain State licence
- If an entity having food storage facility without atmospheric controlled where food products in packed or unpacked condition is stored for further distribution and such storage facility having storage capacity of more than 50000 metric ton (MT) then such entity is required to obtain central licence and if storage capacity is up to 50000 metric ton (MT) then it is required to obtain State Licence.
What are the types of registration and license that is granted by FSSAI?
Following types of registration and license granted by FSSAI under Food safety and Standard Act 2006
Registration for
- Petty food business operators
- Temporary or fixed food stall
- Hawker etc.
License for
- Dairy units including milk chilling unit
- Vegetable oil processing
- Slaughtering House
- All food manufacturing processing units other than Dairy units, vegetable oil, meat processing and Slaughtering House.
- Proprietary food
- Storage facility for food products
- Other license

procedure for Licence
What is the registration or License fee of FSSAI?
License fee is charged according to central and state license while registration fee is typically Rs. 100.
Who is required to obtain FSSAI registration or license?
A person who proposes to carry on food business is required to obtain FSSAI registration or FSSAI licenses.
What are the documents required for FSSAI registration or license?
For FSSAI registration or licensing, documents requirement varies according to the nature of operation. However, a list of certain basic documents which are common in all cases are given below.
- Pan of Entity
- Pan and Aadhar of proprietor, partners and Authorized person (in case of Company)
- Utility bill for registered office
- Rent agreement, if premises on Rent
- Picture of premises
- Photo of Signature of proprietor, partner/authorised representative
- Email id and phone Number
- Other prescribed documents

How can we help you?
We assist the persons in obtaining FSSAI registration or licenses by providing specialized services. We have expert team that deal with these matters and provide proper guidance to our clients without manipulating the facts and make ensure to deliver the certificate and license within the reasonable time period.